Weekly Ad
Troubleshooting Steps

Is your weekly ad not showing up when the page loads? There can be a multitude of reasons this is happening. We will walk you through the troubleshooting steps below to help remedy some of those reasons. 

  1. Refresh your browser screen. This can be done by clicking the refresh icon usually located on the top left corner of your browser. 

  1. Still not loading? On the weekly ad page for your location press the red HERE button. This will open the weekly ad directly on your device. 

  1. If this doesn’t work try steps 1 and two on a different device and/or web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
  1. Our weekly ad is also accessible on the online shopping section of our website. You can view the weekly ad there by visiting: https://shop.rosauers.com, selecting your preferred location, continuing as a guest or signing up for an account with us, and clicking Weekly Ad in the top left corner. 

  1. Still not loading? There could be a disruption in your connection or our website server. Contact us and let us know if you are still experiencing difficulties loading our weekly ad.

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